Metropolis Written blog

"The mediator between the head and the hands is the heart."

"The mediator between the head and the hands is the heart." 

The robot has boobs and femaine face and femine hips.

The home environment was built for women and the work environment for men.

The workers follow directions and the boss give them.

The bodies are contorted when trying to obey the machines.

You always have to have your legs spreed apart to work the machines.

I noticed that in the metropolis underground the workers moved together in a block even when the walk way was larger and open in there city. They made the choice to work as a unit even when striking they were never liberated it wasn't untell the one of them that switched places with joh that he became able to think for himself.

It also seemed that the heart machine just kept people alive but not really happy.   

Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 11:50am. Mykey's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version